Newspaper Survey Results

I have the results from the questionnaire that was completed electronically.

Newspaper Survey

This is a link yo my questionnaire which I had created. It is linked to my newspaper research. The results will be shown soon.

Analysis of 3 different kinds of Newspapers : Local

A local newspaper is more community based than the broadsheet and tabloid papers which are national and focus on worldwide news. Local papers have things such and News, sports and national news which is at a low level coverage. All of the news on this particular newspaper is locally based and appeals to the people of the specified constituency.
Stories Covered : The stories covered in this local newspaper is locally and community based.
Headlines : "Worker hurt in jewellery heist" this shows the locality of newspapers and how much emphasis is placed on the community and how important it is.
Language : Local newspaper use both formal and informal language.
Masthead : Similarly to the other 2 papers, the Masthead will be found at the top of the papers front page.
Splash : The splash would take up a large amount of space on a local newspaper because they wont have the amount of stories a tabloid and broadsheet has so it will fill pages with large splashes and pictures.
Caption : The captions will explain what is happening in the picture it is found underneath the picture with the photographers name too.
Advert : Local newspapers have a little reputation so the paper is filled with local companies and some big ones that are also found on other papers too.

Analysis of 3 different kinds of Newspapers : (BROADSHEET)

Is a broadsheet newspaper which is mainly factual. It contains Economical, Business, Political and Sports in high detail then any other papers due to it mass size.
Stories Covered: Broadsheets usually publish national news from across the country as well as some international stories.
Headlines: "Desperate hunt for the living as Sumatra quake toll rises" This is an example of the serious types of stories published in broadsheets.
Language: Broadsheets usually use formal as well as factual language "Dispatched" "Stricken".
Masthead: Like most newspapers the Guardian has its masthead at then top of the front cover
Splash: The Splash on the Guardian was of average size as there were also other serious stories that are on the front cover.
Caption: Under the image on the front cover the caption explains what is going on in the picture.
Adverts: Broadsheets including the Guardian generally have little advertising in it.

Analysis of 3 different kinds of Newspapers : Tabloid

The Sun : Is a tabloid newspaper which contains a 'red top' in the top left hand corner.
Headlines : "Labours Lost Us" this shows us what party The Sun was affiliated with. Around the headlines it contains images of the Labour party looking distressed. These Images also help to link the story.
Language : The type of language used such as "We ditched" gives the reader an insight on what the story may/is about. Also the use of Contractions and colloquialism used is numbing it down so the wider audience can understand it.
Splash : In the front it contained a very tiny splash so the reader can read on into the newspaper and carry on reading other stories.
Caption : Has a caption at the very bottom illustrating what the pictures are of and what they represent in a particular way.
Puffs : Had a puff about the champions league football of Chelsea beating Liverpool and a puff showing the reader can win something if they turn to the page stated. The colours used for the puff were bright yellow so they are eye catching
Adverts : Had no adverts on the front page but inside of the newspapers there are many due to it being a tabloid paper.

Commentary of local newspaper webpages

The Harrow Observer :

The Harrow Observer Webpage contains things such as a masthead to show the reader what newspaper they are reading and for what area. It has a Bar at the top showing links to the sport, news, lifestyle, video and pictures and many more these subheadings are hyperlinks to different aspects to show the reader what is going on in Harrow. Just below the masthead it shows breaking and important news to inform the reader what is happening in their local area.
Further down on the website it also contains world and international news and many other different things such as Job details etc. The colours used on the site consist of blue and red which stand out to a certain aspect. It also contains many adverts for 02, Orange, Easy Jet, Sky and local adverts.

The Hackney Gazette :

The Hackney Gazette contains also has a masthead also consisting the colour red .It contains the main story just below the masthead another similarity to the Harrow Observer. However it contains more adverts thus showing it is still building a name and trying to establish itself within the Hackney Community. On the left hand side there are links which redirects you different going ons in the area such as; Art and Liesurem, Arsenal and Tottenham.

Newspaper Annotations