Detailed Analysis of Newspaper and its Website

Above is an link to the Harrow Observer website and the front page of the Harrow Observer newspaper. The Harrow Observer website is much more accessible then as there is a transformation from old to new media. The website as seen above has many hyperlinks to many topics such as News, Sports, Communities, Video and Pics,Forum and weather which is much more convenient then flicking through pages to find what you want, when you can click a link and be re-directed to the page straight away.
The website shares the same masthead as the newspaper that is only the main similarity between the two. They both have advertisements but the site has much more spread throughout the site which is also linked to the advertisers page. On the site it show links to local jobs in and around the harrow area on the main page of the site. In the Harrow Observer newspaper the advertisements for jobs are further on in.

Newpaper Webiste and how they differ from printed Newspapers