Analysis of 3 different kinds of Newspapers : Tabloid

The Sun : Is a tabloid newspaper which contains a 'red top' in the top left hand corner.
Headlines : "Labours Lost Us" this shows us what party The Sun was affiliated with. Around the headlines it contains images of the Labour party looking distressed. These Images also help to link the story.
Language : The type of language used such as "We ditched" gives the reader an insight on what the story may/is about. Also the use of Contractions and colloquialism used is numbing it down so the wider audience can understand it.
Splash : In the front it contained a very tiny splash so the reader can read on into the newspaper and carry on reading other stories.
Caption : Has a caption at the very bottom illustrating what the pictures are of and what they represent in a particular way.
Puffs : Had a puff about the champions league football of Chelsea beating Liverpool and a puff showing the reader can win something if they turn to the page stated. The colours used for the puff were bright yellow so they are eye catching
Adverts : Had no adverts on the front page but inside of the newspapers there are many due to it being a tabloid paper.

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