Analysis of 3 different kinds of Newspapers : (BROADSHEET)

Is a broadsheet newspaper which is mainly factual. It contains Economical, Business, Political and Sports in high detail then any other papers due to it mass size.
Stories Covered: Broadsheets usually publish national news from across the country as well as some international stories.
Headlines: "Desperate hunt for the living as Sumatra quake toll rises" This is an example of the serious types of stories published in broadsheets.
Language: Broadsheets usually use formal as well as factual language "Dispatched" "Stricken".
Masthead: Like most newspapers the Guardian has its masthead at then top of the front cover
Splash: The Splash on the Guardian was of average size as there were also other serious stories that are on the front cover.
Caption: Under the image on the front cover the caption explains what is going on in the picture.
Adverts: Broadsheets including the Guardian generally have little advertising in it.

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