Analysis of 3 different kinds of Newspapers : Local

A local newspaper is more community based than the broadsheet and tabloid papers which are national and focus on worldwide news. Local papers have things such and News, sports and national news which is at a low level coverage. All of the news on this particular newspaper is locally based and appeals to the people of the specified constituency.
Stories Covered : The stories covered in this local newspaper is locally and community based.
Headlines : "Worker hurt in jewellery heist" this shows the locality of newspapers and how much emphasis is placed on the community and how important it is.
Language : Local newspaper use both formal and informal language.
Masthead : Similarly to the other 2 papers, the Masthead will be found at the top of the papers front page.
Splash : The splash would take up a large amount of space on a local newspaper because they wont have the amount of stories a tabloid and broadsheet has so it will fill pages with large splashes and pictures.
Caption : The captions will explain what is happening in the picture it is found underneath the picture with the photographers name too.
Advert : Local newspapers have a little reputation so the paper is filled with local companies and some big ones that are also found on other papers too.

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