Commentary of local newspaper webpages

The Harrow Observer :

The Harrow Observer Webpage contains things such as a masthead to show the reader what newspaper they are reading and for what area. It has a Bar at the top showing links to the sport, news, lifestyle, video and pictures and many more these subheadings are hyperlinks to different aspects to show the reader what is going on in Harrow. Just below the masthead it shows breaking and important news to inform the reader what is happening in their local area.
Further down on the website it also contains world and international news and many other different things such as Job details etc. The colours used on the site consist of blue and red which stand out to a certain aspect. It also contains many adverts for 02, Orange, Easy Jet, Sky and local adverts.

The Hackney Gazette :

The Hackney Gazette contains also has a masthead also consisting the colour red .It contains the main story just below the masthead another similarity to the Harrow Observer. However it contains more adverts thus showing it is still building a name and trying to establish itself within the Hackney Community. On the left hand side there are links which redirects you different going ons in the area such as; Art and Liesurem, Arsenal and Tottenham.

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