A2 Media Evaluation and what has been learnt from Audience feedback.

My Media Product was completed I had it peer assessed and teacher assessed to meet their criteria or to see if there was any problem with my website, poster or newspaper or if they were missing any important components a newspaper should have.
I personally think that my own Media Product wasn't as perfect as it could be but it was to my satisfaction in the time I had to finish the three products off. But I could've done better with my final products and how I presented them but I had to also plan my blog and what I was going to write.
If I had put more effort into the Product it may of came out better or even I could've proposed better ideas or even planned out the story for my newspaper better. I could've also planned out my newspaper website to make it look more authentic and professional looking. If i had the programs available to me such as Adobe Dreamweaver I would have made the advertisements on my webage animate and move around using flash.

Peer Assessment Jeremy: "Hitesh's Media Product was pretty good compared to others that I have seen he challenged the convention of newspapers having a red top and by having a golden yellow background livened things up and made it appeal to his attended audience of the youth using bright colours. but could've done with some tweaking at the end an the way he presented his ideas was roughly planned so if he had done this I think it would be up there with one of the best in the class. But personally I think he done good with what he had and how much effort he put it is what he got out equally with his Final Media Product"

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