How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning an evaluation stages?

Research and Planning:

The new technology that had aided me the most in my research and planning was the use of the internet. I had too research into other local and national newspapers so I can adapt some of their conventions and apply to my own products. Looking at other
newspapers images and the language used helped immensely in constructing my own newspaper. Also creating a questionnaire for my classmates and random people on the street helped me decide what type of newspaper it was going to be and what audience it was targeting.
Using Adobe Indesign for my newspaper and using Adobe Photoshop creating my website and poster. I had created mock - ups for each product, a flat plan for my newspaper so it easier when coming to create it.


The use of technology was important in the construction process as it was the foundation for all my products. The programs that I had used were Adobe Indesign and Photoshop. I had created my newspaper on Indesign which can be used to create other forms of media as well.
I was familiar to the use and functions of Adobe Photoshop as I had used it to past time. So it was simple to use and create my website and poster.

Evaluation :

Without digital technology my portfolio wouldn’t be as brilliant as it could be. It was the cornerstone to everything that I had done from writing this blog to planning and creating my 3 final products. Using Google Chrome helped with my punctuality as well as my spelling. By create this blog online it was easily accessible to everyone who may want to view it.

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