In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?(NEWSPAPER)

Research and Planning ahead had helped mmensely in helping me create my newspaper. My newspaper colour scheme challenged the convention of the normal red top my newspapers have such as, The Sun or The Daily Mirror. My creativity knew no bounds only certain restrictions of the time which limited the amount of things I could of put on the paper to make it look authentic than it is.
The main headline is in large black lettering and in full capitals letter which is done to relay the importance of the story as well as to again catch the attention of readers. The big black bold block letters stood in very high contrast with the yellow colour scheme so this worked out perfectly to grab the potential readers attention.
As many of the newspapers i had researched into, I had realised one common thing a full colour picture. A picture is seen as a short story or outline of a the article that I had already written. I first wrote the article up randomly and fixed it up as I typed it up on Adobe Photoshop and thus took a picture to match it.
I had written a small part of my story on my front page and I had carried the rest of the story onto the second page. This is another convention I have picked up from other newspapers too.
Also on my front page I had included advertisements which is another convention. Advertisements are meant too be there too take up area's that cannot be filled up with relevant information. These advertisements stood out from the newspaper itself so it also interacted with the reader.
The support/secondary story of my newspaper is on the right, another example of the conventions I have followed, such as including the address for the newspapers website, date it was printed or the price of it. The inside page of this newspaper continues to follow the conventions of newspapers such as containing a contents page. On the second page spread of my newspaper after straying from normal conventions as it is I had decided to by adding the weather forecaste as well as finishing the sotry on the front page. Also on this page I had included advertisements. This is the only part of my newspaper that followed a certain conventions of newspapers.

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