In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?(Website)

Looking at all of my end products I had wanted my website to conform to other newspaper websites. My website was interlinked with my other products such as my newspaper and poster due to all of the having the same colour scheme of golden yellow to make it stand out to the readers eye and grab their attention so they carry on reading.
I had added my masthead from my newspaper/poster to my website which was placed on the left. This followed the convention of some national and local sites / newspapers.
By adding a search bar just below the masthead made it easier for the website visitors to navigate through the site. This somewhat shows the transformation of old media to new media shows the emergence of how new digital technology has improved from newspapers to websites.
Advertisements were placed on my main website front page. This is one of the many conventions that many websites follow. I had placed one on the top write corner as well as one being placed across the bottom. The one placed on the top right is unconventional wheras the one at the bottom is seen on many sites.
Following a local newspaper website convention of putting an hyperlinked medium sized image of my newspaper front page. By clicking on it this will open up the newspaper on a new page so the reader can view it if they prefer it. This shows the strengthening of old media by new media being the website.
The main part of my webpage was the short part of my story which was hyperlinked to a second page were my full story was. I had changed the colour of the text "READ MORE" too make it contrast to the rest of the page. With the story I had added an image from my newspaper so it linked with the story.
The second page of my website was practically identical to the first page. All of the navigation links were kept the same so if the reader wants to read another story off the site they know were everything is set and planned. The main story is situated on this page and is in block letters.

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