Foundation to Advanced Portfolio (ADVANCED) Pt2

The website that I had created was made from scratch this challenged my creativity but i stuck too the layout of my newspaper of using a golden yellow colour scheme. I had used the same heading as my newspaper and transferred it from my newspaper too the website. After I had sorted out the heading I had too create the body of the site.
I had also imported the image of my self from my newspaper too so making the site was the easier of the 3. I had also created advertisements for my web page making it feel an look more authentic. I had followed a convention of local web sites by showing a short clip of a story and creating a hyperlink to the second page of my created site which showed the rest of my story and included the same layout as my 1st page.

My poster also followed the golden yellow colour background. I had added images too which linked too both my newspaper and website. The bright colour too attract walker bys to buy my newspaper. I had advertised the price in big bold writing such as my title also. I had kept my poster uncluttered and simple which made it easy for people too understand what was being advertised. The stories were also shown in 2 lines to attract the reader so the can read the full story.

This is how I had created my 3 final products and which products influenced my decisions on putting different items on my product

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