Advance Portfolio

Presentation of Planning and Research:

Newspaper Annotations

Commentary of two local webpages

Analysis of 3 different types of newspapers (TABLOID)

Analysis of 3 different types of newspapers (BROADSHEET)

Analysis of 3 different types of newspapers (LOCAL)

Newspaper Survey

Newspaper Survey Results

Local Newspaper Website Anotations

Anotations of two local Newspapers

Detailed Analysis of the Newspaper and its Website

Newspaper Website and how it differs from newspapers

Construction :

Newspaper front page

Newspaper back page

Final Poster / Edited Poster

Final Website Front page

Final Website Back Page

Evaluation :

From Foundation to Advance Portfolio (FOUNDATION)

From Foundation to Advance Portfolio (ADVANCED)

From Foundation to Advance Portfolio (ADVANCED PT2)

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? (POSTER)

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? (NEWSPAPER)

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? (WEBSITE)

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning an evaluation stages?

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

A2 Media Evaluation and what has been learnt from Audience feedback.

My Media Product was completed I had it peer assessed and teacher assessed to meet their criteria or to see if there was any problem with my website, poster or newspaper or if they were missing any important components a newspaper should have.
I personally think that my own Media Product wasn't as perfect as it could be but it was to my satisfaction in the time I had to finish the three products off. But I could've done better with my final products and how I presented them but I had to also plan my blog and what I was going to write.
If I had put more effort into the Product it may of came out better or even I could've proposed better ideas or even planned out the story for my newspaper better. I could've also planned out my newspaper website to make it look more authentic and professional looking. If i had the programs available to me such as Adobe Dreamweaver I would have made the advertisements on my webage animate and move around using flash.

Peer Assessment Jeremy: "Hitesh's Media Product was pretty good compared to others that I have seen he challenged the convention of newspapers having a red top and by having a golden yellow background livened things up and made it appeal to his attended audience of the youth using bright colours. but could've done with some tweaking at the end an the way he presented his ideas was roughly planned so if he had done this I think it would be up there with one of the best in the class. But personally I think he done good with what he had and how much effort he put it is what he got out equally with his Final Media Product"

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning an evaluation stages?

Research and Planning:

The new technology that had aided me the most in my research and planning was the use of the internet. I had too research into other local and national newspapers so I can adapt some of their conventions and apply to my own products. Looking at other
newspapers images and the language used helped immensely in constructing my own newspaper. Also creating a questionnaire for my classmates and random people on the street helped me decide what type of newspaper it was going to be and what audience it was targeting.
Using Adobe Indesign for my newspaper and using Adobe Photoshop creating my website and poster. I had created mock - ups for each product, a flat plan for my newspaper so it easier when coming to create it.


The use of technology was important in the construction process as it was the foundation for all my products. The programs that I had used were Adobe Indesign and Photoshop. I had created my newspaper on Indesign which can be used to create other forms of media as well.
I was familiar to the use and functions of Adobe Photoshop as I had used it to past time. So it was simple to use and create my website and poster.

Evaluation :

Without digital technology my portfolio wouldn’t be as brilliant as it could be. It was the cornerstone to everything that I had done from writing this blog to planning and creating my 3 final products. Using Google Chrome helped with my punctuality as well as my spelling. By create this blog online it was easily accessible to everyone who may want to view it.

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?(Website)

Looking at all of my end products I had wanted my website to conform to other newspaper websites. My website was interlinked with my other products such as my newspaper and poster due to all of the having the same colour scheme of golden yellow to make it stand out to the readers eye and grab their attention so they carry on reading.
I had added my masthead from my newspaper/poster to my website which was placed on the left. This followed the convention of some national and local sites / newspapers.
By adding a search bar just below the masthead made it easier for the website visitors to navigate through the site. This somewhat shows the transformation of old media to new media shows the emergence of how new digital technology has improved from newspapers to websites.
Advertisements were placed on my main website front page. This is one of the many conventions that many websites follow. I had placed one on the top write corner as well as one being placed across the bottom. The one placed on the top right is unconventional wheras the one at the bottom is seen on many sites.
Following a local newspaper website convention of putting an hyperlinked medium sized image of my newspaper front page. By clicking on it this will open up the newspaper on a new page so the reader can view it if they prefer it. This shows the strengthening of old media by new media being the website.
The main part of my webpage was the short part of my story which was hyperlinked to a second page were my full story was. I had changed the colour of the text "READ MORE" too make it contrast to the rest of the page. With the story I had added an image from my newspaper so it linked with the story.
The second page of my website was practically identical to the first page. All of the navigation links were kept the same so if the reader wants to read another story off the site they know were everything is set and planned. The main story is situated on this page and is in block letters.

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?(NEWSPAPER)

Research and Planning ahead had helped mmensely in helping me create my newspaper. My newspaper colour scheme challenged the convention of the normal red top my newspapers have such as, The Sun or The Daily Mirror. My creativity knew no bounds only certain restrictions of the time which limited the amount of things I could of put on the paper to make it look authentic than it is.
The main headline is in large black lettering and in full capitals letter which is done to relay the importance of the story as well as to again catch the attention of readers. The big black bold block letters stood in very high contrast with the yellow colour scheme so this worked out perfectly to grab the potential readers attention.
As many of the newspapers i had researched into, I had realised one common thing a full colour picture. A picture is seen as a short story or outline of a the article that I had already written. I first wrote the article up randomly and fixed it up as I typed it up on Adobe Photoshop and thus took a picture to match it.
I had written a small part of my story on my front page and I had carried the rest of the story onto the second page. This is another convention I have picked up from other newspapers too.
Also on my front page I had included advertisements which is another convention. Advertisements are meant too be there too take up area's that cannot be filled up with relevant information. These advertisements stood out from the newspaper itself so it also interacted with the reader.
The support/secondary story of my newspaper is on the right, another example of the conventions I have followed, such as including the address for the newspapers website, date it was printed or the price of it. The inside page of this newspaper continues to follow the conventions of newspapers such as containing a contents page. On the second page spread of my newspaper after straying from normal conventions as it is I had decided to by adding the weather forecaste as well as finishing the sotry on the front page. Also on this page I had included advertisements. This is the only part of my newspaper that followed a certain conventions of newspapers.

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? (POSTER)

When creating my poster for my local newspaper I had done some research into posters and found that there was hardly any. This helped me expand the horizons of my creativity so I didn't need too follow any strict guidelines. I had grabbed the masthead from my newspaper and placed it on my poster so there is a correlation between the two final products. I had placed the price of the paper as well as the stories that were going to appear on my actual newspaper appeasing the walker by's. Also using the colour scheme from my webpage and newspaper of the golden colour scheme to stand out from the boring Red and white colour scheme.

Foundation to Advanced Portfolio (ADVANCED) Pt2

The website that I had created was made from scratch this challenged my creativity but i stuck too the layout of my newspaper of using a golden yellow colour scheme. I had used the same heading as my newspaper and transferred it from my newspaper too the website. After I had sorted out the heading I had too create the body of the site.
I had also imported the image of my self from my newspaper too so making the site was the easier of the 3. I had also created advertisements for my web page making it feel an look more authentic. I had followed a convention of local web sites by showing a short clip of a story and creating a hyperlink to the second page of my created site which showed the rest of my story and included the same layout as my 1st page.

My poster also followed the golden yellow colour background. I had added images too which linked too both my newspaper and website. The bright colour too attract walker bys to buy my newspaper. I had advertised the price in big bold writing such as my title also. I had kept my poster uncluttered and simple which made it easy for people too understand what was being advertised. The stories were also shown in 2 lines to attract the reader so the can read the full story.

This is how I had created my 3 final products and which products influenced my decisions on putting different items on my product

Foundation to Advanced Portfolio (ADVANCED)

In to the second year of my course I had had to complete designing a Newspaper, A webpage for my newspaper as well as a poster for my newspaper too. The programs I had been using were Adobe Photoshop which I was highly familiar with because of using it a lot in my foundation portfolio. I had also used Adobe In design which helped me create the template of my newspaper. It was my first time using Adobe In design but using online tutorials helped me with all the technical parts of the program. By looking at my finished product it shows how easily I adapted to these new programs over the past 2 years. Having a blank canvas on three fronts challenged me to extend the boundaries of my creativity. My newspaper doesn’t follow the normal colour scheme and font use. I dared to be different I made my masthead a golden yellow so it linked with the name of my newspaper The New Dawn. Many idea's were spawned from the name alone such as the sun rising or the rise of the local youths, but the one I chose for my masthead is stated above.
The normal colour scheme for a newspaper such as The Sun is the normal red top but I challenged that with my ingenuity and changed the layout to my standards of using yellow and black colour codes.
I had to create a local story for the community so whilst I was typing up the story I had created it as had went along and it came out interesting. I used my own image which linked too the story of me being an IT whizz kid. I then created adverts using Adobe photoshop CS2 which helped my newspaper look authentic. On the second page of my local newspaper I had included the weather forecast and a contents page which I found on many local newspapers.

From Foundation to Advanced Portfolio (FOUNDATION)

During my 2 years of completing my Media Studies course from the foundation portfolio to the advanced portfolio the use of Adobe programmes such as Audition, Photoshop and Indesign has been the foundation to creating both portfolios.
The use of digital technology had a major impact on both products I had created from scratch. The programmes that I had required to create my products were ones that I had not encountered before except for Adobe Photoshop which I had a vague idea of how to use it.
My foundation portfolio I had to create was a 5 minute radio jingle using Adobe Audition. This was the first time I heard and used Audition. The pre – liminary task had helped me familiarise myself with the functionality of the program I had to base my task on. Adobe Audition was the foundation for completing my task to a high standard. From week to week I had learnt more about Adobe Audition that I didn’t know about such as the unlimited undoing tool which helped me immeasurably as I had to correct my mistakes from time to time.
The age of new media such as the handheld recording devices helped me with my portfolio. I went on the streets looking for the local people’s opinion on the stabbings that occurred in Brent. The data that was stored on the convenient portable device had been lost, that was one disadvantage of the media device. The loss of data had forced me to repeat the task again on the device which was quite simple. After which I was able to easily transfer the recordings by a USB cable to the computer I was using.
Whilst the recordings weren’t as I had wanted so with Adobe Audition’s capability I had edited the recordings by panning, cutting and levelling out the volume. Many sounds I had used were downloaded from a free source ( so again digital technology aided me with my task, as well as planning of the script was typed up on Microsoft Word. So overall the use of all these programs have helped me majorly as it was a cornerstone of my foundation portfolio without it none of this would have been possible.

My Final Website Hyperlinked Pages (PAGE 2)

This is the 2nd page to my website which shows my full story. It follows the same convention as my 1st page.

My Final Website Hyperlinked Pages...

This is my final website to go with my tripartite system of the poster an the newspaper. I have included a hyperlink to a second page which shows a full story. whereas on my first page I have a glimpse on the article which follows traditional newspaper value such as The Sun and The Guardian.

My Poster for my newspaper

This on the right shows my poster i had created from Adobe Photoshop advertising my newspaper it shows the same theme of the yellow colour throughout the website,poster and newspaper. This is the 2nd draft of my poster. Above was my final choice I had decided to enlarge the title to make it stand out to passerbys.

Second page of my final newspaper

This is the second page of my newspaper. It includes the weather and the contenets of the newspaper it continues the story from the 1st page to the 2nd page.

Front page of final newspaper

To the left is my final front cover of my newspaper which I had completed with Adobe Indesign.

Detailed Analysis of Newspaper and its Website

Above is an link to the Harrow Observer website and the front page of the Harrow Observer newspaper. The Harrow Observer website is much more accessible then as there is a transformation from old to new media. The website as seen above has many hyperlinks to many topics such as News, Sports, Communities, Video and Pics,Forum and weather which is much more convenient then flicking through pages to find what you want, when you can click a link and be re-directed to the page straight away.
The website shares the same masthead as the newspaper that is only the main similarity between the two. They both have advertisements but the site has much more spread throughout the site which is also linked to the advertisers page. On the site it show links to local jobs in and around the harrow area on the main page of the site. In the Harrow Observer newspaper the advertisements for jobs are further on in.

Newpaper Webiste and how they differ from printed Newspapers

Annotation of Two local newspapers

Local Newspaper Website Anotations